Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Fruit Solutions

What the hell is this?

Naturally, the labeling on the box is trying to advise the consumer that the contents is a solution, as in a chemical solution, which I suppose is true. But isn't the conventional name for a fruit-based chemical solution, simply "juice"? I had no idea MBAs were such big fans of the natural sciences.

I think "solutions" has to be the grand-daddy of business speak. Whereas most modern business speak started to swamp us about two years ago, I recall seeing the word solutions in use as far back as 1999.

2 partners have spoken to this:

VP of Wordsmithing said...

Those MBA fans out there will also be glad to know that companies now provide "solutions", instead of products. The company that I currently work for hired a marketing firm about 3 years ago to come up with a "rebranding" of our company, as well as a new slogan. We now provide "system solutions".

Anonymous said...

I figured it out! The marketing department at Minute Maid discovered a niche market: MBAs and sales people who don't get enough fruit in their diets. When they see this jug of juice, they'll immediately think: "This is an innovative solution that will allow me to synergize my core competencies while realizing new levels of success in the healthy lifestyle paradigm."