Saturday, March 31, 2007

What's with 2.0?

I take it Tiger is re-inventing himself.

I'm not a reader of Sports Illustrated, but if I was, I would never read it again. I bet the editor who came up with that splashy title for the cover thought he was pretty clever.

What does it mean for something to be 2.0? In particular, what does it mean when some software is at 12.0? Does that mean that the software is light years ahead of everything else (social trends, economic policy, sports strategy) which is only currently ramping up to 2.0?

The people who invented this are annoying. They're a group of self-proclaimed experts on social trends. Five years ago they didn't even know how to turn on a computer. To them, the internet was just for geeks. Ah, those geeks, what losers to play with their computers. Let them have the internet, we have ideas.

Then, some time in the middle of last week, the internet suddenly got interactive. They still don't know how to turn on their computers, but they've got blogs and important things to say: The web is now at 2.0. They need not concern themselves with the technical details anyway, just leave it to the web 2.0 labourers, the geeks.

Thanks guys, but I'm not going to upgrade my internet to 2.0. I'm keeping it at 1.7. There aren't as many morons using 1.7.

1 partners have spoken to this:

sgt.turmeric said...

I prefer the way that TeX does versioning. It's asympotically approaching pi. But that's math, which is hard, harder even than turning on a computer.